北美洲 美国 america 教育 education 同类型网站
Engrade unifies the data, curriculum and tools teachers, schools leaders and administrators use every day by integrating all of a district’s software and systems, including third-party applications and open education resources, into one fully secure and easy-to-use, cloud-based platform. The powerful single sign-on solution is deployed by districts across the nation to enhance communication, transition to common core, plan and evaluate curriculum, manage assessment and monitor student progress in real time.
Educators love Engrade because it simplifies their workflow, increases efficiency in the classroom and empowers them to use the resources and strategies that work best to improve instruction and outcomes for each student. With Engrade, educators are able to connect the right content to the right student at the right time all in an effort to accelerate achievement, while also providing parents and students greater visibility into performance and progress.
Engrade solves for critical issues in education like data accessibility, common core implementation and compliance reporting, as well as streamlines systems by consolidating critical information and resources at all levels – classroom, school and district. Through shared dashboards, all stakeholders can immediately access the information they need to act in one central platform.
Additionally, Engrade is compatible across operating systems and not only is the platform accessible from any device, it can communicate with technology used in the classroom, eliminating the need for teachers to manually input the data generated by students each day as they complete exercises, assessments and assignments either designed in Engrade or from a third-party application.
EngRade:在线学生成绩管理平台网址: https://www.engrade.com/
丝画阁 阅读:102评论:82018-12-11 23:37:44
亚洲 中国 china 教育 education 同类型网站
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亚洲 中国 china 教育 education 同类型网站
常州幼儿师范高等专科学校网址: http://zsw.wjtts.net/zsxx.htm
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丝画阁 阅读:3709评论:82023-05-02 18:16:11