Founded in 1998 ExportBureau widely regarded as one of the most respected export associations for manufacturer companies on the internet. Drawing on a team of international industry veterans including ExportID.com the largest international sales agent professional network. ExportBureau provides one of the most popular manufacturing company networks in the world for international import quantity buyer communities.
*We are not administered, associated or influenced by the United States of America in any way.
Approved company membership is completely free, providing direct email contact for buyers and free instant online company history reports, fraud reports as well as the international trade statistics available free to the worldwide public for every major industrial category.
Unlike many other trade directories we only allow export companies with dedicated websites so as to ensure a high degree of integrity you can develop a stress free relationship with our extensive manufacturers database in every category around the world.
Many export or trade directories allow undocumented members with little or no company authentication. Many trade sites also enable anonymous users to generate professional looking websites which take only minutes to set up and appear as if authentication with the reputable host trade site has occurred when actually only an anonymous email address identifies the contact. This environment breeds large scale fraud, conmen and scam artists who take advantage of this lack of identification.
Any serious importer or exporter knows all too well the high level of trust involved with international transactions, many times involving the electronic transfer of large sums to parties with little or no previous dealings. ExportBureau.com provides a free company report on all of its members and is able to effectively enforce resolutions against offending or fraudulent companies due to its high international visibility.
ExportBureau.com is truly global in design, administration and gives no preference towards any particular country or region. We aim to offer the most comprehensive directory for manufacturers and export companies in the world.
ExportBureau:免费B2B制造商出口目录网址: http://www.exportbureau.com/
丝画阁 阅读:224评论:82018-12-10 16:55:01
德国sale2b免费尾货外贸交流平台是一个提供商品尾货处理的外贸网站,可以查询到超过16万的产品数据,免费注册即可登记产品,发布各类商品。...... [更多]
德国sale2b免费尾货外贸交流平台网址: http://www.sale2b.de/
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英国AppleGate商业目录指是英国著名的,最大最全面的B2B信息供应商查询平台,提供英国工业、制造业和科技公司的查询服务,该网站成立于1997年。...... [更多]
英国AppleGate商业目录指南网址: http://www.applegate.co.uk/
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BalticnorDic:免费在线B2B门户网是一个支持多个国家的在线对外贸易平台,注册后可以获得超过57,000名用户的贸易产品查询服务,可以免费发布产品,寻...... [更多]
BalticnorDic:免费在线B2B门户网网址: http://www.balticnordic.com/
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GigBux:分类信息商务网融合了分类信息及电子商务,让用户进行5美元、10美元、20美元交易。其主要服务对象目前还是卖家,以帮助用户赚钱为主,毕竟对于这些赚到...... [更多]
GigBux:分类信息商务网网址: http://www.gigbux.com/
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Archiexpo:法国建筑产品在线采购平台是一个家居品牌大全,提供包括虚拟建筑展:厨房,卫生间,照明,家具,办公等产品查询服务,是全球最专业、最大的家居建筑产...... [更多]
Archiexpo:法国建筑产品在线采购平台网址: http://www.archiexpo.com/
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Directindustry:工业产品在线采购平台是国际上知名的工业产品在线采购网站之一,1999年成立于法国;被行业资深人士称为“永不落幕的汉诺威工业展”,俗...... [更多]
Directindustry:工业产品在线采购平台网址: http://www.directindustry.com/
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德国Find2Trade外贸B2B交流平台为各国大、中、小型企业、公司提供外贸货源交流的门户网站,该网站主要来自中东、欧洲和亚洲,基本的服务是免费的,可以订阅和...... [更多]
德国Find2Trade外贸B2B交流平台网址: http://www.find2trade.com/
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德国GermanyBusinessHub国际贸易B2B网站是一个B2B门户网站,提供一个更加简单的出口和进口贸易交流,让你提高收益的方式,开拓新的市场,并提高其...... [更多]
德国GermanyBusinessHub国际贸易B2B网站网址: http://www.germanybusinesshub.com/
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