Mind42 is a software application that supports the creation of mind maps. It's a specialized tool to quickly create, manage and edit the kind of data structure required for mind maps. Of course mind maps can be used for nearly everything, from todo lists to knowledge collections, but there are better suited tools for that (for example it also would be possible to write a letter with Paint, but nobody would do that). So Mind42 is not a multiple purpose diagramming tool, it's really about entering thoughts, arranging and refining them, and exploring ideas in a graphical way.
Mind42:基本WEB在线思维导图制作工具网址: http://mind42.com/
丝画阁 阅读:239评论:82018-12-11 22:34:33
Semantic-ui:网站前端开发构架工具是一个完全语义化的前端界面开发框架,跟Bootstrap和Foundation比起来,还是有些不同的,在功能特性上、...... [更多]
Semantic-ui:网站前端开发构架工具网址: http://semantic-ui.com/
丝画阁 阅读:82评论:82018-12-11 22:34:38